Moving In

 Moving from a spacious 3 bedroomed bungalow to a much smaller 2 bedroomed bungalow meant having to put quite a bit of furniture into storage. I knew  my little home needed work and I didn't want to have to play the sliding puzzle game, continually moving furniture around rooms and it getting in the way.  I moved on a Tuesday and had my plasterer booked for Thursday to skim both the bedroom ceilings. The bedroom walls weren't too bad just a few knocks and dents here and there, which I filled and rubbed down. Mind you every time I went back into the room I'd see another and wondered if I should have had it plastered. Anyway,  out would come the filler again and again! Once the plaster was dry a mist coat was applied followed by two top coats to the celling and coving. I painted the walls in a pale grey. 

My bedroom has fitted wardrobes and although  they had an ugly stick on trim and looked a bit worn, I couldn't afford to get rid of them. Furthermore they are capable of holding so much stuff.  After studying a few 'YouTube' videos I removed the ugly gold trims by heating up the glue with a hairdryer and literally pulling them off.  I  unscrewed the handles and filled any holes and blemishes, before giving everything a light sanding. I used furniture paint from B&M in white which was brilliant. Its self levelling so you don't have to worry about roller or brush marks, and it dried very quickly. The paintwork is now 15 months old and it hasn't chipped or lost colour.  I'm really chuffed. I ordered new brushed stainless steel knobs to match my existing bedside cabinet drawers and they looked like new. 

The bungalow needed new windows so I tried to get on with a many jobs as possible while waiting the 5 weeks for them to be made and fitted. I wanted to try out panelling in the bedrooms.  I drew a diagram of the designs I wanted and showed my husband.  Between us we worked out what was needed and I ordered the necessary primed MDF which did save a lot of work.

The smaller bedroom was panelled scandi style and painted white.  The rest of the room was pale grey.

In my bedroom I went for the traditional square panelling. Once you've worked out the cuts and spaces etc it was a relatively easy process using a saw, no nails and caulk. I absolutely love the effect they both have. Apparently there is an app that helps you plan panelling if your maths isn't great. 

Back soon with more tales from the bungalow!  Tx

PS. Apologies for the lateness of this post, only I've been helping my husband with decorating his place and lots of other things that have cropped up.  Far more than he anticipated. He helped me so I'm helping him.  We both benefit out of the situation. Plus my grandson was rushed to hospital with a ruptured appendix.  He's all good and recovering well at home. Bear with me while I am juggling lots of things all at once. Tx


  1. You've made a really good start on everything. I love the panelling look, it really adds some character to a room doesn't it. It's good to help each other out with jobs that each of you are better at, that's exactly what me and Alan do. xx

    1. I'm almost finished, its just the lounge which has been plastered etc. But it currently holds lots of furniture as does the garage which hubby will take when he goes. 4 weeks and counting ;--)

  2. Ooh, just stumbled on your new blog, quite by chance! Best wishes in your new home.

    1. Hello and thank you, lovely to hear from you. I'm hoping to blog more as things settle down.


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